1. 理解单词的含义。
2. 找到单词的发音规律,如元音字母组合等。
3. 尝试使用不同的发音方式来记忆单词。
4. 结合上下文进行记忆,有助于更好地理解和记忆单词的含义和发音。
1. Eagerness - 渴望、热切,源自拉丁语中的词根“eagere”,与agile中的“agere”有相似的含义,表示积极行动、迅速反应。
2. Swiftness - 快速、敏捷,源自古英语中的“swīf”,表示快速行动的能力。
3. Lightfootedness - 轻盈、敏捷,源自拉丁语中的“lēx”,表示轻盈、灵活的特质。
4. Vigilance - 警觉、警惕,源自拉丁语中的“vigilare”,表示保持警觉、敏锐观察的能力。
5. Agilemind - 思维敏捷,源自英语中的“agile”,表示思维活跃、反应迅速。
6. Agilebody - 身体灵活,源自拉丁语中的“agile”,表示身体灵活、动作迅速。
7. Agilehand - 手巧、敏捷,源自英语中的“agile”,表示手部灵活、动作迅速。
8. Agilefoot - 脚步轻盈、敏捷,源自英语中的“agile”,表示脚步灵活、快速移动。
9. Agilemindset - 敏捷思维模式,源自英语中的“agile mind”,表示一种善于思考、反应迅速的思维方式。
10. Agilebusiness - 灵活的商业运作方式,源自英语中的“agile”,表示一种适应性强、灵活多变的商业运作方式。
1. agile mind
2. agile body
3. agility of thought
4. quick agility
5. agility in movement
6. leap of agility
7. nimble agility
1. His agile mind quickly devised a solution to the problem.
2. She had an agile body that she put to good use in her dance routines.
3. His quick agility enabled him to avoid the incoming projectile.
4. Agility in movement is essential for success in sports like basketball and football.
5. The leap of agility he made to catch the ball was impressive.
6. Nimble agility is a key skill for avoiding obstacles in unpredictable environments.
7. She always has her agile mind focused on finding new ways to solve problems.
Agility is a crucial skill for success in many aspects of life, whether it"s sports, work, or just getting through our daily routines. It"s essential to be able to quickly adapt to changing situations and respond quickly to new challenges. Agile thinkers are able to quickly identify opportunities and solutions, while agile bodies are able to move quickly and efficiently, whether it"s running, jumping, or just getting through the day with a positive attitude.
However, agility isn"t just about physical movement or quick thinking; it"s also about being able to adapt to new situations and learn new skills quickly. This requires a willingness to try new things, learn from our mistakes, and keep pushing ourselves to be better. Agility is a valuable asset that can help us achieve our goals and make progress in any aspect of life.