1. Glycogen:糖原,一种储存形式的糖,由许多糖苷元连接而成。
2. Glycosylation:糖基化,一种蛋白质或脂质修饰过程,通过糖苷键将糖连接到生物大分子上。
3. Glycobiology:糖生物学,研究糖与生物大分子之间相互作用的科学领域。
4. Glyconeogenesis:糖异生,指非糖物质转化为糖的过程,例如脂肪和氨基酸等。
5. Glycohabitus:糖耐量测试,用于检测人体对血糖的控制能力。
6. Glycoconjugate:糖复合物,由糖与蛋白质、脂质或其他生物大分子形成的复合物。
7. Glycoconjugate Extraction Kit:糖复合物提取试剂盒,用于从生物样品中提取糖复合物。
8. Glycohydrate:糖水合物,指在特定条件下,糖与水形成的化合物。
9. Glycohydrolysis:糖水解,指通过水解反应分解糖的过程。
10. Aglycone-specific Enzyme:糖苷元特异酶,是一种能够分解糖苷元的酶。
1. aglycone derivative
2. aglycone structure
3. aglycone content
4. aglycone synthesis
5. aglycone analysis
6. aglycone-linked carbohydrate
7. aglycone-protein linkage
1. The structure of aglycone is crucial for its biological activity.
2. The aglycone content of a plant extract determines its medicinal properties.
3. Aglycone synthesis is a complex process that involves many enzymes.
4. Aglycone analysis is a crucial step in the development of new drugs.
5. The aglycone-linked carbohydrate is an important component of many natural products.
6. Aglycone-protein linkage is a common feature of many medicinal mushrooms.
7. The unique aglycone structure of this compound makes it highly effective against certain diseases.
Aglycones are an important class of biological molecules that are found in many natural products. They play a crucial role in various biological processes and are often responsible for the unique properties of these substances. Aglycones can be found in plants, fungi, and bacteria and are often involved in the formation of secondary metabolites with various pharmacological properties. Understanding the structure and function of aglycones is crucial for the development of new drugs and other biologically active substances. In addition, aglycones have potential applications in the field of nutraceuticals, as they can provide health benefits through their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.