1. "Competition":这个词直接源自拉丁语,意为"竞争",是agonistic的一种常见应用。
2. "Struggle":这个词也与agonistic有关,通常用来描述竞争或斗争的情况。
3. "Conflict":这个词源于拉丁语,意为"冲突",也可以用来描述agonistic的情境。
4. "Rivalry":这个词表示竞争对手之间的竞争关系,也与agonistic有关。
5. "Agonist":这个词在医学和生物学中常用,指的是与某种药物或激素有相同或相似作用的药物或激素。
6. "Agonistic":这个词通常用来描述动物之间的友好互动或竞争行为。
7. "Agonistic":这个词是agonistic的形容词形式,通常用来描述某种药物或激素与其拮抗剂之间的相互作用。
8. "Agonistic behavior":这个词组通常用来描述动物之间的互动行为,如争斗、合作等。
9. "Agonistic interaction":这个词组通常用来描述动物之间的友好互动或竞争行为,如追逐、争抢等。
10. "Agonistic pair":这个词组通常用来描述两个竞争者之间的友好关系,如两个竞争对手之间的合作。
1. agonistic competition 竞争
2. agonistic display 炫耀
3. agonistic interactions 相互作用
4. agonistic vocalization 鸣叫
5. agonistic behavior 行为
6. agonistic behavior in animals 动物之间的竞争行为
7. agonistic behavior in humans 人际竞争行为
1. In the animal kingdom, agonistic behavior is a common occurrence. 在动物世界里,竞争行为是一种常见的现象。
2. The two dogs were engaged in agonistic display, barking fiercely at each other. 两只狗正在进行炫耀,互相激烈地吠叫。
3. The two teams are engaged in agonistic competition for the championship. 两个队正在为冠军而进行竞争。
4. The two individuals were exchanging aggressive looks, indicating that they were engaging in agonistic interactions. 两个人正在进行互动,他们正在交换充满攻击性的眼神。
5. During the game, the players were engaging in agonistic behavior, shouting and gesturing on the field. 在比赛中,球员们正在场上进行竞争行为,大声喊叫和做手势。
6. In school, children engage in agonistic behavior to gain status and recognition from their peers. 在学校里,孩子们为了获得地位和同龄人的认可而进行竞争行为。
7. In the workplace, employees often engage in agonistic behavior to compete for promotions and resources. 在工作场所,员工们经常进行竞争行为以争夺晋升和资源。
Competition is a natural part of life, whether it"s in the animal kingdom, school, or the workplace. From agonistic behavior to competitive sports, we see it all around us. Whether it"s individuals or teams competing for recognition or resources, competition can be a driving force for progress and achievement. However, it"s important to remember that competition should be fair and equitable, and everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. In the end, competition should be about pushing ourselves to be our best, not about tearing each other down.