agoraphobia的音标为:[ˌæɡəˈrəʊfəʊɪə] ,基本翻译为“广场恐惧症”,速记技巧为:怕公开场所,人多拥挤(速记口诀:怕人多的地方)。
1. Agora-phobia(名词形式)
2. Agro-(前缀)表示“农业”或“田园”
1. Agro-terrorism(农业恐怖主义):这个词指的是利用农业资源进行恐怖活动的行为。
2. Paragone(比较):这个词指的是比较两种不同的事物或方法,以找出它们的优劣。
3. Agora-phobes(恐惧症患者):这个词用来指那些患有广场恐惧症的人。
4. Agoraphilia(广场依恋症):这个词指的是对公共场所的热爱或依赖,通常与社交焦虑有关。
5. Agora-phobic(恐惧广场的人):这个词用来形容那些对公共场所或人群感到恐惧的人。
6. Agora-phobic disorder(广场恐惧症):这是广场恐惧症的正式医学术语。
7. Social agoraphobia(社交广场恐惧症):这是社交焦虑的一种形式,患者对公共场所或人群感到极度恐惧。
8. Agora-phobic behavior(广场恐惧症行为):这指的是患者在公共场所表现出的逃避行为,如避免拥挤的地方等。
9. Anxiety agoraphobia(焦虑广场恐惧症):这是广场恐惧症的一种类型,患者对公共场所或人群感到极度焦虑和不安。
10. Panic disorder with agoraphobia(恐慌症伴广场恐怖):这是恐慌症的一种类型,患者对公共场所或人群感到极度恐慌和惊恐发作。
1. be afraid of venturing into public places
2. fearful of strangers and unfamiliar situations
3. anxious about being alone or without control
4. feel uneasy in busy or unpredictable environments
5. live in constant dread of social interaction
6. have a fear of being overwhelmed or lost
7. anxious about going out in public or meeting new people
1. I suffer from agoraphobia and am afraid of going to crowded places like markets.
2. I am always nervous when I am with strangers and find it difficult to relax in unfamiliar situations.
3. When I am alone in a busy street, I am filled with dread and anxious about what might happen to me.
4. I avoid busy streets and unpredictable environments because they make me feel uneasy.
5. I have a fear of being lost or unable to find my way home and am always anxious about taking public transport.
6. I am constantly on edge when I am out in public and find it difficult to relax.
I suffer from agoraphobia and find it difficult to leave my house. I am constantly afraid of being overwhelmed by crowds or lost in unfamiliar environments. I avoid busy streets and public places like the plague and find myself constantly checking my phone for directions or maps before venturing out. I am always anxious about what might happen and feel trapped inside my own head, constantly wondering what the next step will be. However, I know that agoraphobia is a common anxiety disorder and that there are ways to manage it, so I am trying to be brave and face my fears head on. I hope that one day I will be able to live a normal life without fear of the outside world.