agranulocyte,音标为["eɪgrənu"saɪt] ,基本翻译为“无粒性白细胞”,速记技巧为“ag-无粒=无粒细胞”。
1. Granulocyte count(粒细胞计数):这是医学中的一个术语,用于测量血液中的粒细胞数量,通常用于评估感染的风险。
2. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor(粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子):这是一种蛋白质,有助于刺激骨髓中的造血干细胞生长和分化为粒细胞和巨噬细胞。
3. Agranulocytosis(粒细胞缺乏症):这是一种严重的血液疾病,特征是血液中的粒细胞显著减少或完全缺乏。这可能导致严重的感染风险。
1. agranulocytosis treatment 粒细胞缺乏症治疗
2. agranulocyte count 粒细胞计数
3. agranulocyte count abnormality 粒细胞计数异常
1. The patient had a low white blood cell count, indicating agranulocytosis.
2. Agranulocytosis can be a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.
I am writing to share my experience with agranulocyte, which is a rare blood disorder that can be life-threatening if not treated properly. I was diagnosed with agranulocyte at a young age and had to undergo several treatments and medications to manage the condition. Although it was a challenging experience, I learned a lot about myself and my resilience during this time. I realized that I am stronger than I think and can overcome any obstacle with the right attitude and support system. Through my experience, I hope to inspire others to never give up and to seek help when needed.
Aggranulocyte is a rare blood disorder that requires proper treatment and management. Although it can be challenging, it is important to stay positive and seek support from family and friends. With the right attitude and support system, we can overcome any obstacle and live a healthy life.