agrobiology的音标为[ˌægrəʊbaɪˈɒlədʒi] ,基本翻译为“农业生物学”,速记技巧为“agro”常与农业相关,“bio”表示生物,“logy”表示学科。
Agrobiology 是一个涉及农业和生物学交叉领域的学科,其英文词源来自于“agro” (农业)和“biology”(生物学)。
1. Agro-:这是一个前缀,表示与农业或土地有关。
2. Bi-:表示生物学或双重的。
1. Agricultural biotechnology:农业生物技术 - 利用生物学技术改良农作物。
2. Agroecosystem:农业生态系统 - 包括农业、环境、生物等多学科交叉的生态系统。
3. Agroforestry:农林复合系统 - 在一块土地上混合种植树木和农作物的一种农业方法。
4. Agro-biodiversity:农业生物多样性 - 指在农业生态系统中存在的多种生物种类。
5. Agro-climatic zones:农业气候带 - 描述特定地区的气候条件对农业的影响。
6. Agro-ecosystem management:农业生态系统管理 - 一种综合管理农业生态系统的方法。
7. Agro-insurance:农业保险 - 为农业生产提供风险保障的保险。
8. Agro-industries:农产品加工业 - 利用农产品进行加工的工业部门。
9. Agro-tourism:农业旅游 - 利用农业资源吸引游客的一种旅游形式。
10. Agroecology:农业生态学 - 研究农业生态系统中的生态过程和生态关系。
1. plant breeding 植物育种
2. crop rotation 作物轮作
3. soil fertility 土壤肥力
4. fertilization施肥
5. irrigation 灌溉
6. pesticide use 农药使用
7. harvesting 收割
1. We need to improve our plant breeding techniques to increase crop yields.
2. Crop rotation is essential to maintain soil health and fertility.
3. Farmers need to carefully monitor their soil fertility to ensure a good harvest.
4. The use of fertilizers has greatly increased crop yields, but must be carefully controlled to avoid environmental damage.
5. Irrigation is crucial for agriculture in dry regions, ensuring a steady supply of water for crops.
6. Pesticide use must be carefully regulated to protect human health and the environment.
7. The future of agriculture depends on our ability to adapt to climate change and use sustainable practices.
As we enter the new era, we must embrace sustainable agriculture practices that protect our environment and ensure food security for future generations. Agrobiology, the study of agriculture and biology, provides us with the tools and knowledge we need to achieve this goal. Through crop rotation, soil fertility management, and sustainable fertilization methods, we can maintain healthy soil and ensure a bountiful harvest. At the same time, we must also adopt sustainable pest management practices that minimize the use of pesticides while still protecting crops from harmful pests. This will not only safeguard our environment but also ensure a safe and healthy food supply for our communities. In conclusion, agrobiology is essential for ensuring a sustainable future for agriculture and for safeguarding our environment for future generations.