aid and abet的音标是[ə"dend] ,其基本意思是“帮助,援助,以帮手身份在场” ,速记技巧是注意字母e发/e/音。
aid and abet的英文词源是拉丁语,意思是帮助和纵容。这个词组在英语中用来表示在犯罪行为中提供帮助或支持,通常指在犯罪行为中提供帮助或怂恿。
aid and abet的变化形式包括过去式和过去分词,分别为aided和aided或assisted,现在分词为aiding,形容词为aiding或assisting。
相关单词包括:assistance(帮助),facilitate(促进),supplement(补充),subsidiary(辅助的),alleviate(减轻),abet(教唆),encourage(鼓励),promote(促进),assist(援助),support(支持)。这些单词在英语中都有帮助、支援的意思,与aid and abet的意思相近。
具体来说,assistance和aid and abet的意思相似,都表示在困难或挑战中提供帮助或支持。facilitate和abet也有相似之处,都表示促进或帮助某事变得更容易或更糟糕。supplement和subsidiary也有类似之处,都表示补充或辅助某物。alleviate和encourage也有相似之处,都表示减轻或鼓励某事。
总之,aid and abet作为英语中的一个词组,其含义和用法都与帮助和支持有关,相关的单词也大多与帮助和支持有关。
1. aid and abet 帮助和纵容
2. provide aid and comfort to 给与帮助和安慰
3. assist and encourage 协助并鼓励
4. back up 支援
5. support from behind 背后支持
6. encourage and assist 鼓励并协助
7. encourage and support 鼓励和支持
1. They were caught red-handed because they were aiding and abetting the criminal activity.
2. She provided aid and comfort to the homeless by collecting donations for them.
3. The teacher assisted and encouraged the students in their studies by giving them extra help.
4. The government is backing up its economic policies with tax cuts and increased spending.
5. He was encouraged and supported by his friends in his new business venture.
6. Parents should not aid and abet their children"s bad behavior by ignoring it.
7. The teacher was encouraging and supporting the students in their academic achievements.
标题:Aid and Abet: The Power of Support
In life, we all need a helping hand now and then, whether it"s a friend who provides aid and comfort when we"re feeling down, or a teacher who assists and encourages us in our studies. Aid and abet is not just about helping others, but also about being supported by those who believe in us and have our best interests at heart.
When we are faced with challenges, having someone who backs us up, encourages us, and supports us can give us the strength to keep going when we might otherwise give up. Aid and abet is about knowing that there are people out there who believe in us, who will not only help us get through tough times, but also help us become stronger individuals.
However, it"s also important to remember that we shouldn"t aid and abet bad behavior or decisions by ignoring them or giving them a pass. Instead, we should try to guide people towards making better choices, even if it means standing up for what we believe in and speaking out against bad behavior. After all, a true friend is someone who will help us become better versions of ourselves, not someone who will let us slide into bad habits or make excuses for us.