1. aid(帮助,援助):这个词直接源自拉丁语“ad”和“idere”,意思是给予帮助或援助。aid可以作为名词和动词使用,表示提供帮助或援助。
2. assistant(助手):这个词源自拉丁语“assistere”,意思是“帮助”或“协助”。assist可以作为名词和动词使用,表示助手或协助。
3. auxiliary(辅助的):这个词源自拉丁语“auxiliarius”,意思是“帮助”或“支援”。auxiliary可以作为形容词和名词使用,表示辅助的或辅助设备。
4. aidfulness(助益性):这个词由aided加上后缀-ness构成,表示具有帮助或援助的性质。
5. aidship(助人能力):这个词由aided加上后缀-ship构成,表示具有帮助他人的能力。
6. aide(助手):这个词是aided的缩写形式,表示助手或助理。
7. aid-in-training(培训中的助手):这个词由aid和in-training组成,表示在培训中作为助手的人。
8. aiding(帮助的):这个词由aided加上后缀-ing构成,表示提供帮助的行为。
9. aid-in-dying(临终援助):这个词由aid和in-dying组成,表示在临终时给予的帮助和支持。
10. aide-de-camp(副官,助理):这个词由aide和de-camp组成,表示副官或助理。
1. aided learning
2. aided by
3. assisted learning
4. assisted by
5. aid in
6. aid to
7. with the aid of
1. With the aid of a tutor, I have been able to improve my academic performance.
2. The teacher"s explanations aided us in understanding the topic.
3. The dictionary aided me in my translation of the text.
4. The sight aid helps me to see better in dim light.
5. The hearing aid aids my hearing in noisy environments.
6. The computer aids in data processing and analysis.
7. The teacher"s aide helps students with special needs in the classroom.
Aided by technology, learning has become more effective and enjoyable. From digital libraries to online courses, technology has made it possible for us to access knowledge anytime, anywhere. With the aid of technology, we can work through problems faster and more efficiently, and we can also engage in more interactive and personalized learning experiences. Technology has also made it possible for us to collaborate with others from different parts of the world, which has opened up new avenues for knowledge sharing and cultural exchange. In conclusion, technology has greatly aided our learning process, making it more effective, enjoyable, and interactive.