"Aides" 的音标为 [eɪdɪz],基本翻译为“助手;辅助物”。
1. 建立音标记号:在听到“Aides”这个词时,在音标旁边标注上自己的符号或记号,以便后续回忆和识别。
2. 联想记忆:尝试将这个词与熟悉的事物或场景联系起来,例如与“助手”相关的场景或物品等,有助于记忆。
3. 多次复习:记忆单词需要不断地复习和巩固,可以通过阅读、听录音、写笔记等方式来加强记忆。
1. Assistant:助手,助理,副手
2. Aid:援助,帮助,援助物
3. Adept:熟练的,精通的
4. Adequate:足够的,适当的,胜任的
5. Aidle:闲置的,不活动的
6. Aider:援助者,帮助者
7. Aiding:援助的,帮助的
8. Aidlet:助手,副手
9. Aidlin:帮助的人
10. Aide-de-camp:副官,参谋
1. assist in 协助
2. aide-de-camp 副官
3. aide-de-camp service 副官服务
4. aide-de-camp to the king 王室副官
5. aide-de-camp to the prime minister 总理副官
6. aid in 帮助
7. aid society 慈善机构
1. The police aide-de-camp helped the injured to safety.
2. The prime minister"s aide-de-camp is always on hand to assist with any task.
3. She is an aide-de-camp to the president and is always busy with her duties.
4. The army aide-de-camp served as a liaison between the military and the government.
5. The aid society provides food and medical supplies to those in need.
6. Assist in the cleanup effort by volunteering at the disaster site.
7. Aide-de-camp service is an essential part of any military operation.
My Role as an Aide-de-Camp
I am proud to serve as an aide-de-camp to my country"s leader, helping to ensure that their wishes are carried out and that the needs of the people are met. As a trusted member of the team, I am always on hand to assist with any task that needs to be done, from organizing meetings and events to providing logistical support. I am committed to serving my country and its people, and I am grateful for the opportunity to do so. I believe that my role as an aide-de-camp is not just about providing assistance, but also about fostering trust, building relationships, and contributing to the success of our country"s leaders and their mission.