air bubble的音标是[ˈeə baɪbʌl]。基本翻译是“气泡膜”。速记技巧可以考虑使用谐音记忆,即“诶啊 百宝露”。
Air bubble这个词源自英语,其词源可以追溯到拉丁语和古英语。它的主要含义是“空气泡”或“气泡”。这个词的变化形式包括复数形式“air bubbles”和过去式“air-bubbled”等。
相关单词方面,我们可以从air bubble的含义出发,联想到一些与其相关的词汇。例如,bubble可以指代“泡沫”,这可以引申到经济领域,如股票市场泡沫、房价泡沫等;另外,我们还可以联想到相关的动词词组如“blow bubbles”,意为“吹泡泡”,这也可以引申为制造麻烦或浪费时间的行为。
此外,air bubble还可以引申为“空气质量”的概念,这可以联想到相关的单词如air quality(空气质量)、air pollution(空气污染)等,这些词汇都与空气和环境质量有关。
总之,air bubble这个词及其相关词汇在英语中具有丰富的含义和应用场景,可以帮助我们更好地理解和使用这个词汇。
1. bubble wrap 气泡垫
2. air bubble 空气泡
3. air bubble bag 空气泡袋
4. bubble gum 泡泡糖
5. bubble wrap packaging 气泡垫包装
6. air bubble wrap 空气泡垫
7. air bubble wrap packaging 空气泡包装
1. I used bubble wrap to cushion the fragile items during transportation.
2. The seller provided us with a plastic air bubble bag for the package.
3. I love eating bubble gum as a treat!
4. The packaging of this product uses air bubbles effectively to prevent damage during storage.
5. The new car is wrapped in air bubble wrap to protect it from scratches.
6. The air bubbles in the foam board provide extra cushioning when dropped.
7. The air bubble wrap was essential for protecting the delicate vase during shipping.
Protecting Artifacts with Air Bubble Wrap
When it comes to protecting precious artifacts, there is no better material than air bubble wrap. From delicate artworks to valuable collectibles, this versatile product can provide the ultimate cushioning for any item.
When storing artworks at home, using air bubble wrap can help prevent damage from accidental bumps and knocks. Wrapping the artwork in air bubbles can absorb the impact of any accidental drops, preventing scratches or dents on the surface.
Moreover, air bubble wrap is also commonly used in shipping to protect delicate items from damage during transit. Wrapping packages in air bubbles can absorb shocks and prevent items from shifting in transit, ensuring they arrive intact and undamaged.
Moreover, air bubble wrap is also a fun and exciting product to play with. Children can enjoy blowing up large air bubbles and popping them, while adults can use it as a fun and unique way to package gifts or cushion breakables at home. No matter the purpose, air bubble wrap is a versatile and effective way to protect items from damage.