air distribution的音标为["eə, dɪstreɪʃn],翻译为“空气分布”的意思。
Air distribution这个词的英文词源可以追溯到拉丁语“aere”和“dispositio”,意为空气的布置或安排。它的变化形式包括复数形式“air distributions”和过去式“air distributed”等。
1. "ventilation":这个词由“ventile”和“lation”两部分组成,意为空气的流通或通风。它与air distribution有相似的含义,但更侧重于空气的流通和净化。
2. "atmosphere":这个词源自希腊语中的“aeros”和“pherein”,意为大气或围绕地球的空气。它与air distribution有相似的含义,但更侧重于空气的质量和环境。
3. "airflow":这个词直接源自拉丁语中的“aere fluere”,意为空气的流动。它与air distribution密切相关,是描述空气流动状态的重要术语。
以上这些单词都与air distribution有着密切的联系,它们都涉及到空气的分布、流通、质量和环境等方面。这些单词的出现和发展,也反映了人类对于空气质量和生活环境的不断追求和改善。
1. air distribution system
2. air ducts
3. airflow control
4. air conditioning equipment
5. air filter
6. air quality monitoring
7. air circulation
1. The air distribution system in the building is designed to ensure optimal airflow.
2. The air ducts are cleaned regularly to maintain efficient air circulation.
3. Air quality monitoring is crucial to ensure the health and comfort of building occupants.
4. Air conditioning equipment is essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment in hot weather.
5. The air filter should be replaced regularly to maintain the efficiency of the air distribution system.
6. Airflow control is essential for optimizing energy efficiency in buildings.
Air distribution systems are essential for ensuring a comfortable and healthy indoor environment in modern buildings. From ensuring optimal airflow to maintaining air quality and ensuring energy efficiency, air distribution systems play a crucial role in our daily lives. However, they are not without their challenges, as ensuring effective airflow control and maintaining efficient air circulation require regular maintenance and monitoring. Therefore, it is essential to have a reliable air distribution system that can adapt to different environments and conditions to ensure optimal indoor air quality and energy efficiency.