aluminium powder的音标为["æljʊmɪnɪəm pɔːft],基本翻译为“铝粉”,速记技巧为:铝粉(铝元素符号为Al,读音为/æljʊmɪn/,/ɪəm/是复数形式)可以简记为“爱铝粉”。
Aluminium powder的英文词源:
1. Aluminum:金属元素,是最轻的金属,源自于拉丁词源alumen。
2. Aluminous:含有铝元素的,源自aluminum。
1. Aluminum oxide:氧化铝,一种白色无定形粉末,是铝的氧化物。
2. Aluminum foil:铝箔,一种薄片状铝制品,常用于食品包装。
3. Aluminum ingot:铝锭,一种金属块,是铝的初级产品。
4. Aluminum smelting:炼铝,指将铝从其化合物中提炼出来。
5. Aluminum-based paint:铝基涂料,一种以铝为主要成分的涂料。
6. Aluminum-based alloy:铝基合金,一种由铝和其他金属元素制成的合金。
7. Dusting powder:撒粉,一种用于撒在食物上的粉末,通常用于增加口感或保持食物新鲜。
8. Flake aluminum:铝片,一种片状铝制品。
9. Fluxing powder:焊剂粉末,一种用于焊接时保护金属不被氧化的一种粉末。
10. Powder coating:粉末涂料,一种使用粉末形式的涂料,用于涂装物体表面。
1. aluminum powder (铝粉)
2. aluminum oxide powder (氧化铝粉末)
3. aluminum flake (铝片)
4. aluminum oxide powder for coating (涂层氧化铝粉末)
5. aluminum powder coating (铝粉涂料)
6. aluminum powder for sintering (烧结用铝粉)
7. aluminum powder for casting (铸造用铝粉)
1. The production process of aluminum powder is complex and requires high-tech equipment. (铝粉的生产过程复杂,需要高科技设备。)
2. The aluminum oxide powder is used in the production of ceramic materials and coatings. (氧化铝粉末用于生产陶瓷材料和涂料。)
3. The aluminum flake is used in the production of aluminum foil and other products. (铝片用于生产铝箔和其他产品。)
4. The aluminum powder coating is widely used in automobiles and other vehicles. (铝粉涂料广泛应用于汽车和其他车辆。)
5. The aluminum powder for sintering is used in the production of ceramic materials and components. (烧结用铝粉用于生产陶瓷材料和部件。)
6. The aluminum powder for casting is commonly used in the production of castings and other metal products. (铸造用铝粉通常用于生产铸件和其他金属制品。)
7. The use of aluminum powder has revolutionized the production of lightweight materials and has opened up new avenues for research and development. (铝粉的使用已经彻底改变了轻质材料的生产,为研发开辟了新的途径。)
Aluminum powder is a versatile material that has revolutionized the production of lightweight materials and opened up new avenues for research and development. It is used in various applications such as coatings, casting, sintering, and more. However, the production process of aluminum powder is complex and requires high-tech equipment, which makes it a highly valuable material in the global market. In addition, aluminum oxide powder, which is a byproduct of the production process, is also used in various applications such as ceramic materials and coatings. The use of aluminum oxide powder has opened up new avenues for research and development in the field of advanced materials and manufacturing processes. Overall, aluminum powder and its byproducts are essential materials in today"s industrial world and are expected to continue to play a vital role in the future as well.