Amadavat的音标为["æmə"dævɪt],基本翻译为“阿玛德瓦特”,速记技巧可以考虑为“阿玛”+ “德瓦特”,意为“阿玛的财富”。
1. Amadavat"s Road(阿玛德瓦塔路):这是印度泰姬陵通往阿玛尔胡尔堡的一条主要道路,也是印度旅游的标志性地点之一。
2. Amadavat Palace(阿玛德瓦塔宫):这是印度著名景点之一,是莫卧儿王朝的宫殿之一,也是泰姬陵的所在地。
1. 阿玛德瓦塔(Amadavat):原词形式,表示伟大的统治者。
2. 阿玛尔胡尔(Amarghool):Amadavat的复数形式,表示多个伟大的统治者。
3. 阿玛尔胡尔堡(Amarghool Fort):Amarghool的一部分,是印度历史悠久的堡垒之一。
4. 莫卧儿(Mughal):与Amadavat相关的名词,指蒙古人建立的帝国,也指帝国中的统治者。
5. 蒙古(Mongolia):与莫卧儿相关的地理名词,指蒙古帝国的发源地。
6. 统治者(Ruler):与Amadavat相关的名词,指拥有权力和统治的人。
7. 伟大(Greatness):与Amadavat相关的形容词,指卓越、崇高、伟大的人或事物。
8. 统治(Rule):与Amadavat相关的动词,指拥有权力和控制。
9. 帝国(Empire):与Amadavat相关的名词,指由一个统治者或一个王朝所建立的广大的领土和政治组织。
10. 统治者王朝(Dynasty of Rulers):与Amadavat相关的名词,指一个由多个伟大的统治者所建立的王朝。
1. amadavat 崇拜
2. amadavat 信仰
3. amadavat 虔诚
4. amadavat 敬仰
5. amadavat 崇拜者
6. amadavat 信仰者
7. amadavat 虔诚信仰者
1. I am a devout amadavat and I believe in the power of god. (我是一个虔诚的阿玛达瓦特信仰者,我相信神的力量。)
2. My parents are strong amadavat and they instill a strong sense of faith in me. (我的父母是坚定的阿玛达瓦特信仰者,他们在我身上灌输了一种强烈的信仰感。)
3. I have always been an ardent amadavat and I find peace in my heart when I pray. (我一直是一个热心的阿玛达瓦特信仰者,当我祈祷时,我感到内心平静。)
4. My amadavat is my guiding light and I follow it in all my decisions. (我的阿玛达瓦特信仰是我的指路明灯,我在所有决定中都遵循它。)
5. Amadavat is a way of life for me and I try to live it every day. (对我来说,阿玛达瓦特信仰是一种生活方式,我每天都努力去实践它。)
6. I believe that amadavat brings happiness and peace to our lives. (我相信阿玛达瓦特信仰给我们的生活带来幸福和和平。)
7. Amadavat is a source of strength for me and it helps me get through difficult times. (阿玛达瓦特信仰是我力量的源泉,它帮助我度过困难时期。)
My life is filled with the power of amadavat, a faith that guides me through every moment of my day-to-day existence. For me, amadavat is not just a set of beliefs, but a way of life that I embrace with all my heart.
It is a source of strength that never fails me, no matter what challenges life throws my way. It is a comforting presence that calms my soul and fills me with peace and tranquility. It is a reminder that there is something greater than myself that guides me and holds me up when I feel lost or alone.
Amadeavats not just a religion, but a way of being that compels me to be kind, compassionate, and understanding towards others, while fostering inner strength and courage within myself. It teaches me to be patient, tolerant, and understanding of others, while also encouraging me to pursue my dreams with unwavering determination and courage.
In essence, amadavat is a beautiful force that enriches my life and makes it more meaningful. It is a constant reminder that there is always hope, no matter how dark the situation may seem, and that there is always someone out there who cares and supports me. I am forever grateful for the blessings of amadavat in my life.