Ambiguous (adj.) - 这个词源于拉丁语,意思是“模糊的,不明确的”。它的变化形式包括其过去式和过去分词形式ambigous,以及其现在分词形式ambiguating。这个词在英语中常用来形容那些不明确、难以理解或是存在多种解释的事物。相关单词包括:ambiguity (n.) - 模糊性,不确定性;ambivalence (n.) - 矛盾心理;ambition (n.) - 雄心,抱负;ambiguous speech (n.) - 含糊其辞;ambidextrous (adj.) - 左右逢源的,无偏好的。这些单词都与ambiguous这个词源有着密切的联系,描述了模糊、不明确的概念在各种语言和情境中的应用。
1. ambiguous
2. be vague about
3. leave room for interpretation
4. be unclear
5. be vague
6. muddle through
7. not make sense
1. The statement was ambiguous, leaving room for different interpretations. (声明含糊不清,留有不同的解释余地。)
2. She was vague about her plans, not making it clear when she would return. (她对计划含糊其辞,不说明何时回来。)
3. The question remains muddled without an answer. (问题仍然没有答案而模糊不清。)
4. He left us with a lot of unanswered questions, not making sense at all. (他给我们留下了许多无法回答的问题。)
5. The situation is unclear and we must wait for further information. (情况不明朗,我们必须等待更多信息。)
6. We muddled through the task with a lot of help from our colleagues. (在同事的帮助下,我们勉强完成了任务。)
7. The question is not clear enough to answer. (这个问题不够清楚,无法回答。)
The world is full of ambiguity and uncertainty, which can make us feel lost and confused. However, ambiguity does not mean that we cannot make progress or find solutions. Instead, we need to approach ambiguity with an open mind and try to understand it from different perspectives. By doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding of the situation and find ways to move forward. In addition, we should not be afraid to ask questions and seek clarification when we are unsure about something. By doing so, we can avoid making mistakes or saying things that are not clear or appropriate. Finally, we should try to communicate with others and work together to find solutions to the problems we face. In this way, we can overcome ambiguity and uncertainty and move forward together.