3.ambient music(n.):环境音乐,是一种以营造氛围为目的的音乐类型。
4.ambient awareness(n.):周围环境的意识,通常指的是对周围环境的敏感度和感知。
5.ambient density(n.):环境密度,通常用来描述一个环境中的元素或物体的数量和分布。
6.ambient awareness training(n.):周围环境意识训练,一种帮助人们更好地感知和理解周围环境的方法。
7.ambient mood(n.):环境情绪,通常指的是一个环境给人的情感或情绪状态。
8.ambient design(n.):环境设计,一种设计理念,强调空间、颜色、光线等元素对环境的影响。
1. ambient lighting 氛围照明
2. ambient noise 环境噪音
3. ambient temperature 环境温度
4. ambient music 背景音乐
5. ambient art 环境艺术
6. ambient design 环境设计
7. ambient mood 环境氛围
1. The restaurant"s ambient lighting creates a cozy atmosphere. (餐厅的氛围照明营造出舒适的气氛。)
2. The sound of the city"s ambient noise lulled me to sleep. (城市的环境噪音使我陷入了沉睡。)
3. The ambient temperature in the room is comfortable for sleeping. (房间内的环境温度适合睡眠。)
4. The background music added an ambient touch to the conference room. (会议室的背景音乐增添了一种环境氛围。)
5. Environmental art created an ambient mood for the space. (环境艺术为空间创造了一种环境氛围。)
6. The artist"s use of ambient design created a unique and calming atmosphere. (艺术家对环境设计的运用创造了一种独特而宁静的气氛。)
7. I love listening to ambient music while I work, it helps me focus better. (我喜欢在工作中听背景音乐,它帮助我更好地集中注意力。)
Ambience is the combination of various elements that create a unique atmosphere or feeling in a space. From lighting to sound, temperature to music, ambience can make a space more enjoyable or relaxing.
For instance, a cozy living room with soft lighting and soft background music can create a warm and inviting atmosphere, while a busy city street with ambient noise and bright lights can create a lively and energetic atmosphere.
However, creating a good ambience requires careful planning and consideration of the individual preferences of the space"s users. It also requires a certain level of creativity and artistic sensitivity to ensure that the elements chosen complement each other and create the desired atmosphere.
In conclusion, ambience is an essential element in creating a pleasant and enjoyable environment, and it should be taken into consideration when planning and decorating any space.