1. amblyopia(弱视):一种视觉障碍,通常是由于眼睛的发育不良或缺乏正常的视觉训练引起的。
2. strabismus(斜视):一种眼位异常的视觉问题,会导致两只眼睛不能同时注视一个目标。
3. visual acuity(视力):视觉清晰度,衡量眼睛对细小物体的分辨能力。
4. binoculars(双筒望远镜):一种用于观察远处物体的工具,可以同时使用两只眼睛,有助于提高视觉清晰度。
5. visual field(视野):眼睛所能看到的范围。
6. stereopsis(立体视):能够感知三维空间的能力。
7. monocular(单眼):只用一只眼睛观察的。
8. diplopia(重影):两个或更多的物体在同一个地方形成相同的影像。
9. amblyopia treatment(弱视治疗):包括视觉训练、矫正眼镜、手术等方法,旨在改善弱视患者的视觉功能。
10. visual impairment(视力障碍):包括弱视、斜视等视觉问题,会影响患者的日常生活和工作。
1. amblyopia treatment 弱视治疗
2. amblyopia therapy 弱视疗法
3. corrective amblyopia treatment 矫正弱视治疗
4. amblyopia therapy methods 弱视疗法方法
5. amblyopia treatment methods 弱视治疗法
6. visual impairment amblyopia treatment 视觉障碍弱视治疗
7. non-corrective amblyopia treatment 非矫正性弱视治疗
1. Children with amblyopia often need to undergo treatment to improve their vision. (中文)
- 弱视儿童通常需要接受治疗以改善他们的视力。
2. The effectiveness of amblyopia treatment depends on how early it is detected and treated. (中文)
- 弱视治疗的成效取决于是否及早发现并接受治疗。
3. Many children with amblyopia have difficulty seeing clearly, but with treatment, they can see better. (中文)
- 许多弱视儿童视力模糊,但通过治疗,他们的视力可以得到改善。
Amblyopia is a common eye condition that affects many children. It causes poor vision and can be difficult to detect early on. However, with proper treatment, children with amblyopia can see much better.
One of the best ways to treat amblyopia is through eye exercises and patching. These exercises help strengthen the eye muscles and improve eye coordination, while the patching helps to block light from entering the eye, which stimulates the brain to use the eye more effectively.
In addition to these treatments, parents should also ensure that children get enough eye-exposure and eye movement exercises, which help to develop their visual system and improve their eyesight. By following these recommendations, children with amblyopia can achieve better vision and have a better quality of life.