1. ambrosia(阿布罗西亚):意为“仙酒”,源自Ambrose的名字,源自拉丁语单词“ambrosius”,意为“像蜜一样甜”。
2. ambo(阿姆博):意为“两侧”,在拉丁语中表示“两侧”或“两边”,后来被用作Ambrose的名字。
3. ambiance(环境):意为“周围的气氛或环境”,源自拉丁语单词“ambiens”,意为“环绕的”。
4. ambidextrous(左右逢源的):意为“左右手都能使用的”,源自Ambrose的名字,表示灵活多变。
5. ambiquity(模糊性):意为“模糊不清或不确定”,源自拉丁语单词“ambiens”和“quid”(什么)的组合。
6. ambiance music(环境音乐):一种以营造特定环境气氛为目的的音乐类型,源自Ambrose的名字。
7. ambo(讲坛):在教堂中用作讲坛的位置,源自Ambrose的名字。
8. ambition(野心):源自拉丁语单词“ambitio”,意为“追求或渴望”。
9. ambivalent(矛盾的):表示对某事物既喜欢又讨厌的情感,源自拉丁语单词“ambiventi”,意为“对立的”。
10. ambiance design(环境设计):一种设计理念,旨在创造一个舒适、宜人的环境,通常用于餐厅、酒店等场所。
1. by the way(顺便问一下)
2. all in all(总的来说)
3. as far as I know(据我所知)
4. at the same time(同时)
5. break even(盈亏平衡)
6. come to a conclusion(得出结论)
7. in a word(总而言之)
1. I"ll call you later by the way.
2. All in all, I think we did a good job.
3. As far as I know, he"s on vacation this week.
4. At the same time, we need to keep working on our project.
5. If we can break even, we"ll be happy.
6. We"ve come to a conclusion that we need to change our strategy.
7. In a word, success is determined by hard work and perseverance.
The Importance of Hard Work
Hard work is essential for success in life. Whether it"s studying for a test, working a job, or achieving a goal, we must put in the effort to reach our desired outcomes. By the way, it"s also important to have a positive attitude and perseverance, which helps us overcome obstacles and stay motivated throughout the process. As far as I know, success doesn"t come easily, and it requires a lot of effort and dedication to achieve it. At the same time, we need to be mindful of our surrounding and manage our time effectively to avoid distractions and procrastination. In a word, without hard work, we won"t achieve our goals and dreams. Therefore, we should always remember the importance of hard work and perseverance in our lives.