1. "handwriting"(手写):handwriting这个词可以指代任何形式的书写,包括ambulacra。它描述的是一种手写的风格,强调了手写文字的特点和个性。
2. "variations"(变化):variations这个词可以用来描述任何形式的变化,包括ambulacra的变化。它强调了变化在书写过程中的重要性,以及如何通过变化来增强文字的艺术性和个性。
3. "cross-overs"(交叉):cross-overs这个词可以用来描述ambulacra中的交叉使用情况,即同一字母在不同位置的重复出现。它强调了这种书写方式的特点和独特性。
4. "alternating"(交替):alternating这个词可以用来描述ambulacra中的交替使用情况,即大写和小写字母在同一行中的交替出现。它强调了这种书写方式的视觉效果和艺术性。
5. "inconsistency"(不一致):inconsistency这个词可以用来描述ambulacra中的不连贯性,即同一行中的文字有时清晰有时模糊。它强调了这种书写方式的独特性和创造性。
6. "scribble"(草稿):scribble这个词可以用来描述一种潦草的、难以辨认的书写方式,它与ambulacra有相似之处。
7. "scribble-writing"(草书):scribble-writing这个词指的是一种快速的、潦草的书写方式,它与ambulacra有相似之处。
8. "scribbler"(潦草书写者):scribbler这个词指的是那些喜欢潦草书写的人,他们可能也喜欢使用ambulacra这种书写方式。
9. "cross-stroke"(交叉划痕):cross-stroke这个词指的是在ambulacra中使用的交叉划痕技巧,它可以使文字看起来更加独特和艺术性。
10. "variability"(多变性):variability这个词可以用来描述ambulacra中的多变性,即不同的书写者或同一书写者在不同情况下使用的不同风格。它强调了这种书写方式的多样性和创造性。
1. ambulacral support 附着支持
2. ambulacral pit 附着陷窝
3. ambulacrum 附肢
4. ambulic 附肢的
5. ambuliculate 类似附肢的
6. ambuliculate organ 类似附肢的器官
7. ambuliculus 附肢样器官
1. The plant has a pair of ambulacra that support its roots.
2. The animal"s legs are modified into ambulacra that help it move through the sand.
3. The plant"s leaves have small ambulacral pits that allow water to pass through.
Title: The Mystery of the Ambulacra
The world is full of strange and wonderful adaptations, and the plant"s ambulacra are one such adaptation. These small, often unnoticeable structures support the roots of the plant and may seem like nothing more than a part of its anatomy, but they play a crucial role in water absorption and transport. In fact, the presence of these structures can indicate whether a plant is able to survive in dry or nutrient-poor environments.
Looking at the world around us, we see that nature is truly a masterpiece of design and adaptation. From the way ants use their legs to pull their bodies along to the way plants use their ambulacra to support their roots, we are constantly amazed by the wonders of life. I believe that we should always keep an open mind and appreciate the beauty and complexity of nature"s adaptations, for they are truly a testament to the power of evolution and natural selection.