1. Ameliorate(改善):这个词由“爱”(Ame)和“美好”(liorate)组成,表示使事物变得更好。
2. Amity(友谊):这个词由“爱”(ami)和“和平”(ty)组成,表示和平的友谊。
3. Amygdala(杏仁核):这个词来源于希腊语,意为“小杏仁”,是大脑中的一个重要区域。
4. Amen(阿门):这个词来自希伯来语,表示“我同意”或“祝福”。
5. Amissa(失物招领处):这个词由“丢失”(miss)和“地方”(place)组成,表示寻找丢失物品的地方。
6. Amnesty(大赦):这个词由“不追究”(amnist)组成,表示赦免或宽恕。
7. Amphibian(两栖动物):这个词由“水陆皆可”(amphi)和“生物”(bius)组成,表示可以在水和陆地上生活的动物。
8. Amy(艾米):这是一个女性名字,来源于Amelia的变体形式。
9. Amelia级护卫舰:这是一种军舰的名字,来源于Amelia这个名字。
10. Amelia Earhart(阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特):这是一个著名的女飞行员的名字,她以勇敢和冒险精神而闻名。
1. by the way
2. all over the world
3. at the same time
4. as soon as possible
5. break up with
6. come up with
7. go through
1. By the way, I"m having a party next weekend.
2. They are best friends and talk to each other all over the world.
3. I"m sorry, but I can"t help you with this project until next week. At the same time, I"m working on a new idea myself.
4. I want to break up with my boyfriend, but I don"t know how to tell him.
5. She finally came up with a solution to the problem.
6. We went through all our savings to buy a house.
7. She went through her childhood memories and wrote a poem about them.
My Memories of Childhood
As I look back on my childhood, I realize how much has changed over the years. However, some memories remain unchanged, and they are still vivid in my mind. One of these memories is my first day of school. I remember how nervous I was, but also how excited I was to start a new chapter in my life.
Another memory that stands out is when I learned to ride a bike for the first time. It was a challenging experience, but it taught me perseverance and courage. I also remember the joy of winning a school competition, which gave me a sense of accomplishment and pride.
Throughout my life, I have had many wonderful experiences and challenges to overcome. However, these memories remind me of what is important in life: learning, growth, and the joy of overcoming obstacles. I hope to make more meaningful memories in the future and cherish every moment of my life.