amenability 的英文词源为:
amena - 源自拉丁语,意为“应允、同意”。
- ability - 来自 ability,表示能力、才能。
1. agreeableness - 和蔼可亲的,表示性情温和、容易相处。
2. benevolence - 仁慈,表示善良的心意和行为。
3. compliance - 遵从,表示服从、配合。
4. favorability - 有利的,表示对某事或某人的赞许和认可。
5. kindness - 善良,表示仁慈、友好。
6. tolerability - 可忍受的,表示能够容忍的程度或状态。
7. favorable - 有利的,表示对某事或某人的赞许和认可。
8. benevolent - 仁慈的,表示善良的心意和行为,强调无私的善意。
9. amiable - 和蔼的,表示性情温和、容易相处,强调友善和亲切感。
10. amenable - 可服从的、可适应的,表示愿意接受、顺从。
amenability 表示“可应允的、可同意的”性质,指某物或某人易于被同意或接受。这个词在表示人的性格时,通常指性情温和、容易相处。以上是对这个词的详细解释和相关单词的介绍,希望对你有所帮助。
1. amenable to
2. willing to cooperate
3. open to suggestions
4. adaptable to new situations
5. responsive to demands
6. compliant with rules and regulations
7. willing to compromise
1. He was amenable to persuasion and eventually agreed to cooperate.
2. She was open to new ideas and suggestions and always willing to learn.
3. The company is adaptable to new market conditions and always responsive to demands.
4. The teacher was responsive to the students" needs and always tried to make the class more engaging.
5. She was compliant with the rules and regulations of the company and never broke any of them.
6. They were willing to compromise and reached a peaceful solution to the dispute.
Amenability is a crucial quality in any relationship, whether it"s with friends, family, or colleagues. It means being open to feedback, suggestions, and compromises, and willing to adapt to new situations or challenges. Amenable people are easy to work with and are often respected by others, while those who are unwilling to compromise or adapt can be difficult to deal with.
In my opinion, being amenable should be a priority in any relationship, because it shows respect for others and builds trust and understanding between people. If we all tried to be more amenable, we would have stronger relationships and better communication, which would lead to greater success in both personal and professional lives.