Amidase 的英文词源为“amidic”和“ase”,意为“酰胺酶”。其中,“amidic”来源于拉丁语“amide”和希腊语“amido”,意为“酰胺”或“酰胺类”。而“ase”则来源于法语“agencement”和英语“ase”等词,意为“酶”。
- 复数形式:amidases
- 过去式和过去分词:amidated
1. amidate (n.):酰胺盐,由酰胺与酸形成的盐。
2. amidation (v.):酰胺化,指将酰胺基团连接到其他分子或物质上的过程。
3. amidogen (n.):酰胺基团起源的分子,指在化学反应中起到酰胺基团形成作用的分子。
4. amidality (n.):对酰胺类物质的感受性,指对酰胺类物质的敏感程度。
5. amidoplast (n.):含有酰胺酶的细胞器,参与酰胺的分解代谢。
6. amidotransferase (n.):酰胺转移酶,催化酰胺的合成或分解过程。
7. amidino (adj.):含酰胺基团的,指分子中含有酰胺基团的结构特征。
8. amidinoacid (n.):含酰胺基团的有机酸,指具有酰胺基团的有机化合物。
9. amidopyrine (n.):一种常用的药物,具有抑制免疫反应和抗炎作用。
10. amidinium (n.):含酰胺基团的正离子,指具有酰胺基团的一类化合物。
1. amide acid
2. amino acid amide
3. amidic acid
4. amidase enzyme
5. amidase activity
6. amidase reaction
7. amidase test
1. The enzyme amidase is important in the degradation of proteins.
2. The amide group in proteins is formed by the action of amidase.
3. Amino acid amides are commonly used as protein supplements.
4. Amidase enzymes are used in industrial processes to produce amides and amino acids.
5. Amidic acid is a byproduct of protein degradation and is harmful in high concentrations.
6. Amidases are important in the production of biofuels such as ethanol.
7. The presence of amidase in bacteria indicates the presence of protein-degrading enzymes.
Amidase plays a crucial role in the degradation of proteins, which is essential for maintaining a healthy body. It catalyzes the conversion of amino acids into amidic acid, which is a key intermediate in the process of protein breakdown. This enzyme is found in various microorganisms and is used in industrial processes to produce amino acid amides and other valuable compounds. Additionally, amidase is also important in the production of biofuels such as ethanol, where it catalyzes the conversion of proteins into fuel-grade compounds. Understanding the role of amidase and its importance in biotechnology and industrial processes is crucial for ensuring sustainable and environmentally-friendly production methods.