amino acid的音标为[e"mini ɑ:s] ,基本翻译为“氨基酸”,速记技巧为:amin-o-sulf-o-cys-o-peptide。
Amino acid这个词源自希腊语词根amino,意为“氨基酸”,是构成蛋白质的基本单位。这个词的变化形式包括其过去式amino和过去分词amninated。相关单词包括:
1. protein:蛋白质,这个词源自拉丁语,意为“主要的”,指代氨基酸的主要成分。
2. amino:前缀amino-来自希腊语amino,意为“氨基酸”,这个词常用于合成词中,如animal amino acid(动物氨基酸)。
3. peptone: pept- 来自希腊语pepsi,意为“分解”,-one表示物质,所以peptone意为“蛋白胨”,是一种常用的氮源。
4. amino acid solution:氨基酸溶液,其中-tion是名词后缀,表示物质或状态。
5. amino acid deficiency:氨基酸缺乏症,de- 表示“缺乏”,-ficiency表示状态。
6. amino acid transporter:氨基酸转运蛋白,transporter表示“运输者”。
7. amino acid analysis:氨基酸分析,-tion表示动作或状态。
8. amino acid metabolism:氨基酸代谢,-logy表示学科。
9. amino acid synthesis:氨基酸合成,syn- 表示“合成”,-thesis表示动作。
10. amino acid degradation:氨基酸降解,degrad- 表示“分解”,-ation表示动作或状态。
1. amino acid composition
2. amino acid ratio
3. amino acid balance
4. amino acid deficiency
5. amino acid imbalance
6. amino acid supplementation
7. amino acid therapy
1. The protein in this food contains a balanced supply of essential amino acids.
2. Amino acid imbalance is a common problem in athletes who train heavily.
3. Amino acid supplements can help improve athletic performance.
4. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are essential for healthy bodily functions.
5. Some people may experience a deficiency of amino acids due to illness or malnutrition.
6. Amino acid therapy can be used to treat certain diseases and conditions.
Amino Acids: The Building Blocks of Life
Amino acids are essential building blocks of proteins, which are crucial for maintaining healthy bodily functions. They serve as the foundation for growth, repair, and cellular activity, and are critical for brain function, muscle development, and more. A balanced supply of amino acids is essential for maintaining good health, and supplementation may be necessary for those who are malnourished or experience nutritional deficiencies. Understanding the importance of amino acids and how they work together with other nutrients to support health is essential for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.