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来源:今日网校 2020-04-27 07:50:42

  1.How will the woman go to the town center?
  A.By bus.   B.By taxi.   C.By train.
  2.What will happen to the cinema on the coming weekend?
  A.It will be under repair.
  B.There will be a film on.
  C.The tickets for the day will be sold out.
  3.What does the woman mean?
  A.She didn’t like the books the man bought.
  B.There wasn’t a large selection at the bookstore.
  C.The man bought a lot of books.
  4. What are the speakers talking about?
  A.Power failure.    B.Light.    C.Air-conditioning.
  5.When will Cathy go to the party?
  A.Before seven.   B.Around six thirty.   C.After seven.
  6.What does Mr. Smith want Louise to do?
  A.Babysit.      B.Go upstairs.   C.Have a dinner with him.
  7.Which evening will Mr. Smith go out for dinner?
  A.Saturday evening.   B.Sunday evening.  C.Friday evening.
  8.Why does the man go to see the woman?
  A.Because he will go back to England.
  B.Because his son will go back to England.
  C.Because he is concerned about his son’s studies.
  9.What does the woman advise the man to do?
  A.To leave his son in China.
  B.To hire a Chinese teacher.
  C.To take along some homework.
  10.How well is the boy’s Chinese?
  A.He is good at it.
  B.He is a little weak in it.
  C.He knows nothing about it.
  11.Why does the man think he was lucky to get the job?
  A.He likes the job.  B.He likes the factory.  C.He is able to live in a little village.
  12.How did the man sleep last night?
  A.He woke for several times.
  B.Very well.
  C.He couldn’t go to sleep.
  13.Why couldn’t the woman sleep well?
  A.She was not used to the silence.
  B.She was afraid of the bird.
  C.She was too tired.
  14.Where did the World Figure Skating Championships take place?
  A.China.    B.Russia.    C.France.
  15.How did the woman get the ticket?
  A.She bought it ahead of time.
  B.Her brother got it for her online.
  C.She got it from a friend.
  16.What do we know about Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo?
  A.They are excellent figure skaters but failed this time.
  B.They won the Championships called The Cup of China.
  C.They won a gold medal in the last Winter Olympics.
  17.What did the woman think of the performance?
  A.Great.     B.Just so so.    C.Bad.
  18.What does the speaker mainly talk about?
  A.Students’new dormitory.
  B.Vacation arrangement.
  C.School facilities.
  19.What do you think the speaker is?
  A.A leader of the school.
  B.The director of Butler Hall.
  C.The monitor of the students.
  20.Which statement is TRUE about the school facilities during the winter break?
  A.Only a few facilities will be closed.
  B.All the facilities will be open.
  C.Some facilities will operate for fewer hours.
  (Text 1)
  W:Should I take a taxi or a bus to the town center?
  M:You can take either, but the train goes directly there. It’s cheaper, too.
  W:Thanks. I’ll do that instead.
  (Text 2)
  W:May I help you?
  M:Yes,please. I want to buy a ticket for the film on the coming weekend.
  W:I’m sorry, sir, but the cinema is being repaired and it will be two more weeks before it’s done.
  (Text 3)
  M:I bought a few books in the new bookstore. Would you like to have a look at them?
  W: A few? It looks like you bought out the bookstore.
  (Text 4)
  W: The light has gone out!
  M: It happens when too many people are using air-conditioning.
  W: Do you often have power failure in this city?
  M: Since this June.
  (Text 5)
  M:Hi, Cathy. We’re going to have a party this evening; will you come?
  W:Yes, I’d love to. What time?
  W:I’m afraid I will be a little late. My piano lesson finishes at 7.
  M:That’s OK.
  (Text 6)
  M:Hello, is that Louise? This is Mr. Smith from upstairs.
  W:Hello, Mr. Smith. How are you?
  M:I am fine, thank you. I was wondering if you would like to do some babysitting for us.
  W:Well, which evening would you like me to babysit? I’ll have classes this Saturday and Sunday evening.
  M:It’s Friday, March 11th.
  W:OK. I can do it.
  M:That’s good. Could you come up at seven o’clock? We’ll be going out then, because the dinner starts at 7:30.
  W:No problem. See you on Friday.
  M:See you, Louise.
  (Text 7)
  M:Good morning, Miss Smith. I’m sorry to trouble you.
  W:Good morning, not at all. Please be seated. What can I do for you?
  M:It’s about my son.
  W:He isn’t in trouble. I hope he’s doing well in all his lessons. He’ll do well in the exams.
  M:Except in Chinese,I’m afraid. He says that he is a little weak in Chinese.
  W:Is he? I’m sorry to hear that.
  M:That’s why I’ve come to see you. I’m worried about his Chinese. He may fall behind when he comes back to school.
  W:What do you mean?
  M:We’ll go back to London for a holiday for two months. We haven’t been back for three years.
  W:I see. I think that his Chinese teacher can give him some homework to do during his holiday. He won’t fall behind the others when he comes back.
  (Text 8)
  M:I think I was very lucky to get that job. Now we are able to live in a little village.
  W:Ah, but it won’t be a little village forever. This is a developing area. There will be a lot more people here in about five years’ time.
  M:Yes, but there won’t be any factories. Just two or three office buildings and they will be far behind that woodland over there.
  W:How did you sleep last night, by the way?
  M:Very nicely. Never slept better.It was so quiet!
  W:I didn’t sleep too well. I couldn’t get used to the silence.The only noise I heard last night was a bird at about two o’clock in the morning.
  M:Well, the silence was wonderful for me.
  (Text 9)
  W:Hey! John, guess what?
  M:What? How come you look so excited?
  W:Of course I am excited! The world champions Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo have just won the World Figure Skating Championships again.
  M:Really? When? Where? Don’t you know that I am a big fan of figure skating?
  W:Of course I do. The event called The Cup of China just took place yesterday at the Capital Gymnasium.
  M:How come you didn’t tell me anything about it?
  W:Sorry, I didn’t know I could get a ticket. My brother tried to buy tickets ahead of time but was unsuccessful. He finally got two tickets the last minute online.
  M:Well, how was the performance?
  W:Fantastic! The opening ceremony, the pair skating, and ice dancing were extremely good.
  M:How many skaters were competing for the championships?
  W:I am not sure. The program said that figure skaters of the highest level in the world from America, Canada, France, Japan, Russia and Germany were all here. And some of them even competed in the last Winter Olympics and won a bronze medal.
  M:Wow! The competition must be fierce. Pity I missed it.
  (Text 10)
  Thank you for coming to this meeting for students who will be remaining on campus during the ten-day winter break. It’s my responsibility to make it known what you should do and to have you fill in the forms giving the dates you will be on campus. To reduce heating costs, Butler Hall will be the only dormitory open. All the other dorms will close at 5 p.m. on February 7 and will not reopen until 6 p.m. on February 16. Once we have your completed forms, we will give you rooms in Butler Hall. Please move all the things you will need to your temporary rooms by the 7th as it will not be possible to reopen the other dorms during these ten days once they have been closed.Most school facilities will be closed during the vacation. These facilities include the gym, the school store, and the dining hall. The library and the computer center will be open, though on a reduced schedule. Only the post office and the administration office will keep their regular hours. Since I imagine most of you are staying here to finish up academic projects of one sort or another, let me wish you luck with your work.
  1~5.CACAC     6~10.ACCCB
  11~15.CBAAB   16~20.BABAC

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