Dear Mr./Miss/Ms./Mrs. (John Doe - 换成老师的姓名)
Upon the coming of the Teachers" Day, all students/(your name) from class ____ would like to present their/my/our best wishes!
We/I (下同) sincerely recognize all your hard work and we would like to express our profound appreciation to you. We understand that the progress we"ve made so far would not be so without your patience and love. Of course, we would never forget your sweet smile that encourages us keep moving.
English has been a great help to [all of us]/me and we/I really enjoyed learning it. We/I hope that, with your help, we/I will advance even further [in the future]/[next semester]/[this semester].
我(们)(以下不再用括号)记得您为我们付出的一切。我们愿意在此表达我们最诚挚的谢意!我们知道,如果没有您,我们不会有今天的成绩。当然,我们也忘不了您那( 拽个词 )的一笑,使我们忘记烦恼,继续前行。