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您现在的位置: > 经济师 > 2018年5月北京学位英语真题及答案解析(一)


来源:网络整理 2022-10-31 22:08:40


1、2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 the ; C the ; a D a ; the 32. Now I _ to work by bike instead of by car as there are too many cars on the road in rush hours. 2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案 14 / 24 A. go B. went C am going D was going 33. Generally, snakes wont attack humans _ they are threatened with danger. A .If B. si

2、nce C unless D while. 34. Ant old man got badly _ in the road accident yesterday. A. Injure B. to injure C injured D injuring 35. Would you mind _ James that his father is coming to see him this weekend? A tell B. to tell C. telling D. told. 2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案 15 / 24 36. David left _ raincoat i

3、n the room and went out. A his B him C theirs. D them 37. This is by far _ of the games I have ever watched. A. the exciting B. the more exciting C. the most exciting D. as exciting 38. I can easily _ him a golf. A hit B. strike C. win D. beat 39. Janet _ Good morning! to the teacher and then came i

4、n. A. said B. spoke 2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案 16 / 24 C. told. D talked 40. Lucy doesnt like outdoor activities. Her only _ is listening to classical music. A. custom B. hobby C. attitude D. tradition 41. These facts _ show that hes not to be trusted. A single B. sole. C alone. D. lonely 42. The room w

5、as not tiny. Shoes, socks and books were seen _ on the floor. A. now and then B. here and there C. hand in hand D. side by side 43. She _ her finger to her lips as a sign for silence. 2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案 17 / 24 A rose B. raised C. elevated D. arose 44. _coffee is coffee that you can prepare very

6、 quickly, for example by just addi ng hot water. A. Imaginary B. Instant. C. Impatient D. Intentional 45. Even if parents no longer live together, they each continue to be _ for their children in the eye of the law. A reluctant B. tough C. responsible D modest Part III Identification (10%) 2018 年 5

7、月北京学位英语真题 &答案 18 / 24 Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B. C and D.identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 46. If you had studied (A) the problem carefully yesterday (B), you wont have (B) a ny dif

8、ficulty now (D) 47. Hardly they had (A) got to (B) the bus stop when (C) the bus suddenly pulled a way (D): 48. The mountain was (A) really very high (B), but (C) I tried hardly (D) to climb it. 49. The reason (A) I didnt attend (B) the lecture was simply because (C) I caught a bad cold (D)that day.

9、 50. DR Bell gave (A) some lectures, visited (B) the Great Wall and going (C) shoppi ng down town. in Beijing. (D) 51. The first (A )man swim (B) across the (C) river will receive a prize (D). 52. In (A)the moming I got on(B) the train, which arrived (C) Shanghai at night (P). 2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案

10、 19 / 24 53. Henry is not used to live (A) in a noisy and crowed (B) community though (C) h e grew up (D)in New York 54. Do you know (A) the old English saying that (B) a apple (C) a day keeps (D) the doctor away? 55. The harder he worked (A), the most (B) troubles he had (C) in his early days as a

11、scientist (D). Part IV Cloze. Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A. B, C, and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Dur

12、ing a trio to observe wild animals in Africa I encountered the least brave animal on earth the wildebeest(角马 ). I sat on a riverbank for three hours watching a group of thousands build 56 the courage to drink water. More than a million wildebeests 57 northward into the wetlands. It is a long. 2018 年

13、 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案 20 / 24 dry and difficult.journey. Frequently, the only available water is the Grumeti Ri ver, 58 represents both life and death. Unlike some creatures that can take moisture 59 the grass they eat, wildebees ts must drink from the river to live. The river supports other wildlife. in

14、cluding 60 that kill and eat other animals. Though thirsty 61 traveling, the wildebeests stand back from the water, sensin g possible danger. Moving slowly toward the bank can 62 hours, as an individual wildebeest step s forward.steps back and then carefully steps forward again. More wildebeests gat

15、 her together and advance,gradually pushing the leaders to the river, 63 they want to go or not. Its been a long time 64 they drink last time, and you feel their anxiety for water. Lions are possibly on the 65, saving energy as they wait for an opportunity for lunch. Once.the large group moves to th

16、e river. lions could 66. making the group running in a wild and.uncontrolled 67 The mad rush would raise a dust cloud that blocks the 68 of the wildebeests. nearby. A kill is almost guaranteed. Sitting on that riverbank, I noticed that a young wildebeest finally stepped ahe ad and drank.while the 69

17、 adults held back. Soon others began drinking. But 70 lin ing up along the bank.taking turns, they gathered and pushed. Some had to walk f arther into the water than they were 71to go. Those pushed farther in water got fri 2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案 21 / 24 ghtened and in 72 frightened the others. They

18、all.retreated hastily and returned to their route. Only the few that were 73 enough got a drink The.others went 74. The re was no danger that day. Only the wildebeests fear and 75 of courage kept them from drinking. 56.A. up B. out C. in D over 57.A. visit B travel C. see D. swim 58.A. that. B which

19、. C. where. D. when 59. A. above B under. C. from D. over 60 A. this. B. those C. that. D. them 61.A. among. B above. C. from D. between 62. A. tale B. pay C. spend D. charge 63 A when. B where C. what. D. whether 64 A before. B because. C. since. D. though 65. A. watch B. sight C. shout. D. walk 66

20、. A. rescue B. join C. attack D. visit 67.A. solution. B. way C. method D. role 68.A. fear B. shout C. jump D view. 69.A. fearful B. confident. C. pleasant. D. happy 70. A regardless of B. instead of C. in case of D. in spite of 71.A interesting B. pleasant C. willing. D. reluctant 72. A. hope B. st

21、ory C. step D. turn 2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案 22 / 24 73.A. short B. bold C. kind. D. small 74 A. thirst B. hunger C. thirsty. D. hungry 75.A. show B. grasp C. look D lack Section A. Directions: in this part there are five sentences which vou should translate into Chi nese. These .sentences are all tak

22、en from the 3 passages you have just read in Rea ding Comprehension. You can .refer back to the passage to identify their messages in the context. 76. The bottle was found on an Australia island 77. The bottle was partially filled with wet sand. 78. He was unable to give a cash tip, as a guest norma

23、lly would. 79 A second Einstein note was also sold at the auction. 80. She worked 18 hours a day, seven days a week. Section B Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate th em into English Be sure to write clearly. 81,法国以葡萄酒而闻名。 82.你离开教室的时候 ,请把灯关上。 83.我每天六点起床。 84 我们刚刚吃过午饭。 85,学生们正在打扫教室。 2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案 23 / 24 2018 年 5 月北京学位英语真题 &答案 24 / 24 2018 年 5 月 12 日 下午 11 时 12 分

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