1. Benjaminite:意为“贝尼曼主义者,狂热者”。这个词源于Benjamin的形容词形式,表示对某种信仰或观点的狂热追随者。
2. Benjaminid:意为“贝尼迪克特式的人,善于社交的人”。这个词源于Benjamin的形容词形式,表示善于交际、社交能力强的人。
3. Benjaminian:意为“贝尼迪克特式的,善于社交的”。这个词源于Benjamin的形容词形式,表示具有某种特质或行为方式的人。
4. Benjaminite Revolution:意为“贝尼迪克特式革命”。这个词源于Benjamin的名字,表示一种社会或政治变革,通常指由狂热信仰者推动的革命运动。
5. Benjaminid Theory:意为“贝尼迪克特式理论”。这个词源于Benjamin的名字,表示一种理论或观点,通常与社交、人际关系等有关。
1. by the way
2. all over the world
3. at the same time
4. keep in touch
5. for example
6. in a hurry
7. on the other hand
1. "By the way, where is my phone?"
2. "She sings beautifully, all over the world."
3. "I"m sorry I"m late, at the same time I had a lot of work to do."
4. "Please keep in touch with me."
5. "She is a good example of someone who is hardworking."
6. "I"m in a hurry, I have to leave now."
7. "On the other hand, I don"t like this movie."
When I was young, I always wanted to travel to different places around the world. I dreamed of seeing the sights and experiencing different cultures. Now that I am older, I realize that the best way to travel is to stay close to home and make new friends. It is amazing how many people you can meet when you are just going about your daily routine. Through social media and other platforms, I have been able to keep in touch with people from all over the world. It is truly amazing to see how we can all connect through technology and share our experiences with each other. Keeping in touch has taught me that we are all connected and that we should try to be more understanding and compassionate towards each other.