Benny的音标是["benɪ] ,基本翻译是“班尼”。速记技巧可以考虑使用谐音法,将其记为“本尼”,这样更便于快速记忆。
1. 复数形式:Bens。
2. 过去式和过去分词形式:Ben或Bened。
3. 现在分词形式:Benning。
1. Benjamin(本杰明):这个名字源于Benny,意为“小儿子”或“宝贝”,是一个受欢迎的男性名字。
2. Bennett(贝内特):这个名字也源于Benny,意为“小山”或“丘陵地的主人”,是一个常见的男性名字。
3. Benevolent(仁慈的):这个词源于ben和evel(好)两个字,表示仁慈的、善良的。
4. Bench(长凳):这个词源于ben,表示休息或坐着的地方,ch是一个常见的后缀。
5. Benzo(苯佐卡因):这是一种麻醉药,其名称源于Benny,表示含有苯佐卡因的物质。
6. Benzoin(苯佐仁):这是一种香料,其名称源于Benny,表示含有苯佐成分的物质。
7. Benzoic(苯甲酸的):这个词源于Benny,表示含有苯甲酸的物质或化合物。
8. Benzene(苯):这个名字源于Benny,是化学元素的一种,是合成其他有机化合物的基础。
9. Benumb(使麻木):这个词源于Benny,表示使某物变得不敏感或失去感觉。
10. Benzoin(苯并酮):这是一个化学名词,其名称源于Benny,表示含有苯并酮结构的化合物。
1. by the way 顺便问一下
2. all over the world 全世界
3. at the same time 同时
4. get along well with 与...相处得好
5. make a decision 做决定
6. keep an eye on 留意
7. in a hurry 匆忙地
1. "By the way, where is my phone?" 顺便问一下,我的手机在哪里?
2. "I want to go to the park, but I don"t want to go alone. I want to meet up with my friends at the same time." 我想去公园,但我不想一个人去,我想同时和朋友碰面。
3. "I"m feeling all over the world today." 今天我感觉全世界都在我身旁。
4. "I need to make a decision about my future." 我需要做出关于未来的决定。
5. "I"m keeping an eye on my sister while she"s doing homework." 我在看着我妹妹做作业。
6. "I"m in a hurry to get to work, but I don"t want to miss my train." 我匆忙赶去上班,但我不想错过火车。
Today, I realized that time is a precious resource that we all need to manage effectively. I found myself feeling overwhelmed by the amount of tasks on my to-do list, and I realized that I needed to prioritize and make decisions about what was important and what could wait. I also realized that I needed to be more mindful of how I spend my time, and not just rush through tasks without taking the time to really focus and concentrate. By doing so, I will be able to better manage my time and be more productive, while also making sure that I have enough time for relaxation and self-care.