Benthamism这个词源自于英文单词Bentham,它的词源可以追溯到十八世纪的一位英国哲学家杰里米·边沁(Jeremy Bentham)。Bentham是一位著名的功利主义哲学家,他的思想主张通过最大化的公众幸福来衡量社会公正,因此他的思想影响深远,被称为“边沁主义”。
1. Utilitarianism:功利主义,是边沁主义的一个分支,强调行为或政策应导致最大化的幸福或最小化的痛苦。
2. Procedural justice:程序正义,指的是在处理问题或决定时,给予当事人公平、公正的程序,而非仅仅关注结果。
3. Maximin Rule:最大最小化规则,是一种在多个可能结果中做出选择的决策原则,旨在确保选择的最糟结果不会比其他选择的最优结果更糟。
4. Minimalism:最小主义,在艺术、设计、文学等领域中,强调简洁、精炼和最少元素的表现方式。
5. Benthamite:边沁主义的,用来形容受到边沁主义思想影响或遵循边沁主义原则的人或事物。
6. Utilitarian:功利主义者,是支持功利主义观点的人。
7. Utilitarianist:功利主义者的一种,强调行为或政策应导致最大化的幸福或最小化的痛苦。
Benthamism 常用短语:
1. Utilitarianism - 功利主义
2. Rule utilitarianism - 规则功利主义
3. Rule utilitarianism of the greatest happiness for the greatest number - 为最多数人谋最大幸福的规则功利主义
4. The greatest happiness for the greatest number principle - 为最多数人谋最大幸福的原则
5. The greatest happiness principle - 最幸福原则
6. The principle of utility - 功用原则
7. The principle of utility and the greatest happiness of the greatest number - 为最多数人谋最大幸福的功用原则
1. Utilitarianism is a moral theory that prioritizes the satisfaction of human desires and the pursuit of happiness. (功利主义是一种优先考虑人类欲望的满足和幸福的追求的道德理论。)
2. The Benthamite principle of utility is that the best course of action is that which brings about the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. (边沁的功利原则是,最佳的行动方针是使最多人获得最大幸福。)
The Benthamite Principle of Utility in Modern Society
Utilitarianism, a moral theory advocated by Jeremy Bentham, prioritizes the satisfaction of human desires and the pursuit of happiness. In modern society, we are constantly bombarded with choices that affect our happiness and well-being. Whether it"s choosing between different modes of transportation, food, or entertainment, we must weigh the pros and cons to find the most beneficial option for ourselves and others around us.
The Benthamite principle of utility reminds us that the best course of action is that which brings about the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. In other words, we should prioritize the welfare of others and ourselves in our daily lives, considering not only our own desires but also the needs of others. This principle encourages us to be more altruistic and empathetic, understanding that we are all interconnected and dependent on each other for our well-being.
By applying the Benthamite principle of utility, we can create a more harmonious and inclusive society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. We can also promote a culture of compassion and kindness, encouraging people to be more mindful of others" feelings and needs, thus fostering a sense of community and solidarity. Ultimately, the Benthamite principle of utility serves as a guiding light for us to make wise decisions and strive for a better world that is more just, fair, and compassionate.