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Bentonite的音标是["ben(t)ənet] ,基本翻译是膨润土。速记技巧是把它拆分为音节,然后尝试记忆。

Bentonite的英文词源可以追溯到矿物学词汇"bentonite"(膨润土),这个名字来源于其发明者,美国化学家Benjamin S. Bristow。



1. "Bentonite clay"(膨润土粘土)是一种常见的粘土矿物,通常用于制造纸张、涂料和农业肥料。

2. "Water swelling"(吸水膨胀)是膨润土的主要特性,它能够吸收大量的水,体积显著增大。

3. "Bentonian"(膨润土的)是一个形容词,用来形容与膨润土相关的特性或行为。


Bentonite 常用短语:

1. Bentonite mud treatment 粘土泥浆处理

2. Bentonite slurry 粘土浆

3. Bentonite water treatment 粘土水处理

4. Bentonite flocculant 粘土絮凝剂

5. Bentonite clay 膨润土

6. Bentonite powder 膨润土粉

7. Bentonite slurry mixer 粘土浆搅拌器


1. We use bentonite mud treatment to clean up oil spills in the river. 我们使用粘土泥浆处理来清理河流中的油污。

2. The water treatment plant uses bentonite flocculant to coagulate and flocculate the pollutants in the water. 水处理厂使用粘土絮凝剂来使水中的污染物凝结和絮凝。

3. The bentonite clay is used as a thickening agent in drilling fluids. 膨润土被用作钻井液的增稠剂。

4. We mix bentonite powder with water to form a slurry for use in water treatment. 我们将膨润土粉和水混合形成一种用于水处理的浆液。

5. The bentonite slurry mixer is used to mix the bentonite with water to form a slurry for use in soil stabilization. 粘土浆搅拌器用于将膨润土和水混合形成一种用于土壤稳定的浆液。

6. Bentonite is a naturally occurring mineral that is used in various industries for its water-holding and thickening properties. 膨润土是一种天然矿物质,因其具有保水和增稠的特性而被广泛应用于各个行业。

7. Bentonite is also used in cosmetics and personal care products as a suspending agent for pigments and other ingredients. 膨润土也被用作化妆品和个人护理产品的悬浮剂,用于悬浮颜料和其他成分。


Bentonite: The Miracle Mineral That Does It All

Bentonite is a naturally occurring mineral that has become a versatile and essential ingredient in various industries, including water treatment, drilling fluids, cosmetics, and personal care products. This unique clay-like substance has gained popularity for its exceptional water-holding and thickening properties that make it an ideal choice for various applications.

From oil spill cleanup to soil stabilization, bentonite plays a crucial role in ensuring effective and efficient treatment of various substances. Its ability to absorb and retain water allows it to form a stable slurry that can be used for various purposes, such as thickening and flocculating pollutants in water treatment, suspending pigments and other ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products, and enhancing the viscosity of drilling fluids for improved drilling performance.

Moreover, bentonite has been known to have numerous health benefits when consumed or applied topically. It is rich in minerals such as magnesium, iron, and potassium, which are essential for maintaining proper bodily functions and overall health. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving skin health, bentonite has been hailed as a miracle mineral that does it all.

In conclusion, bentonite is a versatile mineral that has become an essential ingredient in various industries due to its exceptional properties. From its water-holding and thickening capabilities to its numerous health benefits, this miracle mineral continues to captivate the attention of professionals and consumers alike.

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