bowdlerizing的音标是["boʊdləraɪzɪŋ]。基本翻译是“删除、删节”,速记技巧可以是:bow(弯曲)+ d(删除)+ ler(人)+ iz(动词后缀)+ ing(进行时)。可以联想到bowdler(删除者)来帮助记忆。
1. blasphemy(亵渎):这个词源自拉丁语blasphemi,意为“亵渎神明”,通常指对宗教的冒犯或侮辱。
2. censorship(审查):censor这个词源自拉丁语censere,意为“审查”。审查制度是指对媒体、出版物、电影等进行审查和限制的制度。
3. expurgate(净化):这个词源自拉丁语expurgare,意为“净化”,通常指删除或修改文学作品中的敏感或冒犯性内容。
4. obscenity(淫秽):obscene源自拉丁语obscenus,意为“淫秽的”或“下流的”。这个词通常指涉及性或猥亵内容的作品或行为。
5. puritan(清教徒):这个词源自Puritanism,一种基督教派别,强调道德和纯洁。这个词通常用来形容那些追求道德和纯洁的人。
6. retouch(润色):这个词源自法语的retoucher,意为“润色”或“修饰”。它通常指对图片、绘画或其他形式的艺术作品进行修饰或修改。
7. sanitization(卫生化):这个词源自拉丁语sanitas,意为“健康”或“清洁”。它通常指对环境、食品或其他物品进行卫生处理,以减少疾病的风险。
8. tamer(驯服者):这个词源自tame,意为“驯服的”或“温和的”。它通常用来形容那些使事物变得温和或易于控制的人或方法。
9. vandalize(破坏):这个词源自拉丁语vandalum,意为“破坏者”。它通常指故意破坏物品或毁坏文化遗产的行为。
10. whitewash(粉饰):这个词源自英语中的whitewash,意为“用白色涂料粉刷”。它通常指用表面装饰材料或语言来掩盖真相或掩盖错误的行为。
1. Bowdlerize the language
2. Bowdlerize the text
3. Bowdlerize the translation
4. Bowdlerize the translation of a book
5. Bowdlerize a passage
6. Bowdlerize a sentence
7. Bowdlerize a paragraph
1. The translation was bowdlerized to make it more suitable for children.
2. The text was bowdlerized to remove any offensive language.
3. The language was bowdlerized to make it more concise and clear.
4. The passage was bowdlerized to make it more readable.
5. The sentence was bowdlerized to remove unnecessary details.
6. The paragraph was bowdlerized to improve its organization and flow.
7. The book"s translation was bowdlerized to make it more understandable for non-native speakers.
Bowdlerizing is a process of removing offensive or inappropriate language from a text or translation to make it more suitable for a particular audience or context. In my opinion, bowdlerizing is necessary in some cases, but it should always be done with care and respect for the original text or translation.
For example, if a book contains language that is considered inappropriate or offensive for younger readers, it may be necessary to bowdlerize the translation of that book for a younger audience. However, if the translation is done well and accurately, it should be left intact to preserve the original meaning and context of the text. In conclusion, bowdlerizing should always be done with caution and consideration for the original text or translation, and it should be done in a way that is respectful and appropriate for the intended audience or context.