bowered 的音标为 [ˈbaʊəd] ,基本翻译为“华丽的;华美的;富丽的”,速记技巧为“鲍鱼(华丽)”。
Bowedler: 词源有争议,一种说法是来自bowler hat(圆顶硬礼帽),另一种说法是来自bowdlerize(删除,简化),指一种对原文进行简化或删除的编辑方式。变化形式:无。相关单词:
1. Bowdlerize(删除,简化):这个词通常用来指对文学作品进行删减或简化,以适应更广泛的读者群体。
2. Eliminate(消除,排除):这个词与bowdlerize有相似的含义,指的是消除或排除某物或某部分,常用于科学、技术、政治等领域。
3. Minimize(最小化,降低):这个词常用于计算机科学和物理学中,指的是将一个系统或过程降至最低限度,以优化性能或资源使用。
4. Simplify(简化):这个词是bowdlerize的近义词,指的是将复杂的事物或过程简化为更简单的形式,以便更好地理解和处理。
5. Streamline(精简,简化):这个词常用于工业和商业领域,指的是通过精简或简化流程、结构或设计来提高效率和质量。
6. Parsimony(节约,节俭):这个词与bowdlerize和simplify有相似的含义,指的是在处理问题时尽可能地精简和节约资源。
7. Minutia(细节):这个词常用于描述对细节的过度关注或强调,与bowdlerize和simplify形成对比。
8. Eccentric(古怪):这个词常用来描述与常规或标准模式不同的行为或思想,与bowdlerize的简化风格形成对比。
9. Venery(狩猎):这个词与bowler hat的起源有关,常用来指打猎活动,与bowdlerize无关。
10. Pompous(浮夸):这个词常用来形容言语、行为或风格过于夸张或装腔作势,与bowdlerize的简化风格形成鲜明对比。
1. bower and bowers
2. bowerbirds
3. bower-building
4. bower-nesting
5. bower-nesting birds
6. bower-like
7. bower-like structure
1. The bower-building children spent the whole day playing in the woods.
2. The bower-nesting birds return to the same spot each year to raise their young.
3. The bower-like structure was used for a variety of purposes over the years.
4. The bowerbirds are known for their unique courtship displays.
5. The bower was filled with brightly coloured objects, making it a delightful place to visit.
6. The bower-nesting birds are a common sight in many parks and gardens.
7. The bower-building children were fascinated by the brightly coloured objects in the bower.
Bower, a place filled with beautiful and interesting things, can be a delightful place for visitors to explore. Whether it is a natural bower created by nature or a man-made bower created by humans, it can be a wonderful way to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature or art. In my opinion, a bower can be a great place to spend time with family or friends, to reflect and contemplate, or simply to enjoy the beauty of nature or art in a serene and peaceful environment. I hope that more people will discover the beauty and wonder of bower and make it a part of their daily lives.