bowering 的音标为 [ˈbaʊərɪŋ],基本翻译为“(植物)卷叶或卷苞”。速记技巧可以考虑使用发音相似的单词或短语来帮助记忆。可以将该单词分解为“bow”(弓)和“ring”(环),想象一个弓形的植物卷成环状,从而记住该单词的拼写和含义。
1. “bowers” - 指的是在英国乡村中用于存放物品的棚屋,也常用于描述那些拥有多个棚屋的人。
2. “bower-like” - 描述具有类似棚屋性质的物体或结构。
3. “bowerman” - 指的是那些在园艺、园艺活动中提供帮助的人,他们通常被描述为勤劳、乐于助人的人。
1. bower and bowdler
2. bower and bower
3. bowerbird
4. bower-bird
5. bower-like
6. bower-nest
7. bower-nesting
1. The bowerbirds are known for their unique nesting habits.
2. The bower-birds are often seen in the woods, singing their beautiful songs.
3. The bower-nesting birds build their nests in the hollow of trees.
4. The bower-like building is a unique feature of the park.
5. The bowerbirds are known for their bright colors and beautiful songs.
6. Bowerbirds are often seen in the rainforest, singing their songs to attract mates.
7. The bowerbirds are a symbol of love and beauty in the rainforest.
Bowerbirds are a unique species of bird that lives in the rainforest. They are known for their bright colors and beautiful songs that they sing to attract mates. The males build beautiful nests in the hollow of trees or in bower-like buildings to show off their skills and attract females. The bowerbirds are a symbol of love and beauty in the rainforest, and they play an important role in maintaining the balance of nature. I hope to see more of these beautiful birds in the future and learn more about their unique lifestyles.