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box office

box office的音标是["bɒks ɒfis]。基本翻译是“票房,票房收入”。速记技巧可以考虑用谐音法,即“保死额死”。这种方法并不十分准确,但是可以作为一种快速记忆方法来辅助记忆单词的发音。

Box office这个词的词源可以追溯到18世纪,当时电影院开始兴起,售票处被称为“box office”,这是因为售票处通常设在电影院的入口处的一个小木箱里,人们可以在这里购买电影票。

变化形式:box office在英语中是一个词形变化不太多的词,基本形式保持不变。


1. cinema:这个词来源于希腊语中的“cinos”,意为“情感”或“激情”,后来这个词被用来指代电影院。

2. ticket office:这个单词的意思是售票处,与box office相对应,用于售卖各种演出、展览等门票。

3. show:这个词来源于古英语中的“sceah”,意为“展示”或“表演”,现在通常指代各种演出、电影等表演节目。

4. audience:这个词来源于拉丁语中的“auditorium”,意为“听众席”,现在通常指代观看演出或表演的观众。

5. revenue:这个词来源于拉丁语中的“reservo”,意为“储备金”或“收入”,现在通常用来指代电影院的票房收入。

6. box office revenue:这个短语指的是电影院的票房收入,是衡量电影票房成绩的重要指标。

7. box office record:这个短语指的是电影院的票房纪录,通常用来衡量一部电影的受欢迎程度。

8. box office success:这个短语用来形容一部电影在票房上的成功,表示该电影的票房成绩超过了预期。

9. box office bomb:这个短语用来形容一部电影在票房上的失败,表示该电影的票房成绩远低于预期。

10. box office market:这个短语指的是电影市场的票房竞争,指的是各大电影公司为了争夺市场份额而展开的竞争。


1. box office bomb:票房惨败

2. box office smash:票房大卖

3. break even:收支相抵

4. make a killing:大赚一笔

5. box office revenue:票房收入

6. box office record:票房纪录

7. box office tracking:票房追踪


1. The new movie has smashed the box office records, proving to be a huge hit with audiences.

2. The film was a box office bomb, failing to live up to expectations.

3. The movie industry is constantly tracking the box office revenue to see how well movies are doing.

4. The film"s producers are hoping to make a killing at the box office when it opens next week.

5. The movie studio"s financial situation depends on how well its movies do at the box office.

6. The film"s box office performance was affected by the controversy surrounding it.

7. The movie industry is constantly trying to break even, balancing the costs and revenues of making movies.


The Box Office: The Life and Death of a Movie"s Revenue

The box office is a crucial indicator of a movie"s success or failure. From the moment a film hits theaters, its fate is determined by how well it performs at the box office. Whether it"s a box office smash or a bomb, the box office figures play a significant role in the film industry"s financial success or failure.

On one hand, a successful box office performance can translate into big profits for the movie studio and its investors. On the other hand, a poor box office performance can spell doom for a film"s future prospects and even lead to its cancellation or postponement.

The box office is also a reflection of the audience"s interest and preference for a particular movie genre or star. A film that resonates with audiences can generate massive box office revenue, while a poorly reviewed film may struggle to attract an audience, resulting in a box office bomb.

In conclusion, the box office is an integral part of the movie industry, shaping its success or failure and determining its future prospects. Understanding the box office figures and trends is crucial for any aspiring filmmaker or studio executive.

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