1. Boxcar - 一种专门用于运输货物的车辆,通常用于运输木材、谷物等。
2. Haulage - 运输或搬运的意思,可以是人力、机械或车辆等方式。
3. Haulroad - 用于运输货物的道路,通常是指用于运输重型货物的高速公路。
4. Boxload - 一箱或一盒的货物量,通常用于描述数量不大的货物。
5. Boxed - 装在盒子或箱子里的意思,也可以表示包装好的意思。
6. Haulmaster - 用于运输货物的专业车辆,如货车、卡车等。
7. Haulout - 指船只或船员离开水域,转移到岸上或其他地方。
8. Haulage Industry - 运输行业,包括各种运输方式如公路、水路、空中运输等。
9. Boxload Hauling - 指专门运输一箱或一盒货物的运输方式。
10. Boxed-up - 指将某物装在盒子里或箱子里的过程,也可以表示准备好的意思。
1. boxed up
2. boxed in
3. boxed up and out
4. haul boxes
5. boxed in and out
6. haul a box
7. boxed up and away
1. I boxed up all my old clothes and donated them to charity.
2. We were boxed in by a truckload of boxes.
3. She hauled boxes of books upstairs all day long.
I love to box up old things and store them away for future use. It reminds me of the past and gives me a sense of accomplishment when I see them neatly organized and stored away for safe keeping. However, sometimes I feel sad when I realize that I will never use some of them again, but I know that they will always be there for me when I need them. It is a beautiful thing to have a box full of memories and treasures that can be brought back to life whenever needed.