Brabblement 的词源:
词根 brab-:源于古英语 braba,意为“狂乱,疯狂”。
词缀 -ment:表示状态或情况。
1. Brabantic(形容词):狂热的,疯狂的。描述那些行为或思想狂热的人或事物。
2. Brabanticism(名词):狂热主义,偏执狂。指对某种观点或信仰的过度热情和偏执。
3. Brabbler(名词):狂热者,妄想者。指那些行为或思想狂热的人。
4. Brabbinian(形容词):狂热的,疯狂的。与 Brabantic 类似,但更强调这种狂热状态的程度。
5. Brabblement(名词):狂乱状态,妄想症。指一种精神状态,表现为对事物的过度关注和妄想。
6. Brabblist(名词):妄想者,偏执狂。指那些具有偏执和妄想倾向的人。
7. Brabus(名词):疯狂的人,疯子。在某些地区,Brabus 是指精神错乱的人。
8. Brabusian(形容词):疯狂的,精神错乱的。用于描述那些行为或思想异常的人或事物。
9. Brabbity(形容词):狂热的,易怒的。用于描述那些情绪不稳定、易怒的人或事物。
10. Brabbuliness(名词):狂热性,易怒性。用于描述某种行为或性格特征的易怒性或狂热性。
Brabblement 是指一种无意义的胡言乱语或喋喋不休的行为。以下是8个常用的短语:
1. babble on
2. blabber
3. blather
4. blab
5. gabble
6. gab
7. prattle
8. rattle on
1. He was just babbling nonsense.
2. She blabbered away about everything under the sun.
3. They were just blathering on about nothing in particular.
4. She blabbed all the details about the party to anyone who would listen.
5. They were just gabbling away about their day.
6. He just gabbed away about his latest project.
7. She was just prattling on about her day.
I often find myself feeling annoyed by people who are constantly rattling on and on about nothing in particular, or who seem to have no filter on their speech and blabber away in a way that is difficult to listen to. I think it is important to remember that we all have our moments of brabblement, and it is okay to acknowledge that it is happening, rather than trying to force a conversation or pretend that everything is fine when it is not. It is better to be kind and understanding, rather than impatient and annoyed, when dealing with those who seem to have lost control of their speech.